


The telepathy and hypnotism are just names. There is a wrong definition that mesmerism is the ability to control other’s mind. Actually, it is the ability to control one’s own mind.

You may be shocked to listen that but its true. Our mind has endless properties and capabilities. They say “if one can do, everyone can do.” Let us find out how we can experience this in our own life and how to use it to achieve our objectives.

First of all, consider yourself as a subject and now try some exercises on your mind to see if it helps you become a strong mind. As a strong kid keeps his supremacy in the playground, similarly a strong mind keeps supremacy in the gathering.

Only exercise which our mind needs is the power of focus. You can also call it the law of attraction. Candle light and watching a dot are just tools to do so but it is not compulsory to repeat what is written in those magic books. Suppose you have to increase your stamina and you watch online videos of people exercising in gyms but in your house, you may use other household objects for weight lifting and achieve your goal by increasing stamina.

 Similarly in the case of telepathy, hypnosis and mesmerism, we have to understand what is the power of focus and how can we increase this power on daily basis. First of all, start with simple exercises. Here are few exercises which we can do in our home and become a great magician.

 1 – Set a clock in your mind to wake up at a certain time which you want. Then change this time 10 minutes before and after. From the first day you will notice results. Keep in mind that you can have perfection only if you continue this exercise for long period.

2 – If you have animals then talk to them and command them to do simple things which you want them to do. Don’t think that you can’t do that because if you can’t command an inferior mind then how can you do it with superior minds like humans.

3 – Be sincere to your exercises and believe that what you are doing is for your better self and not to harm or hurt others feelings. It’s a science and you are a scientist.

4 - Make your own exercises like think of some friend that he should call you today and focus on the topics which you will discuss. In your mind ask him to call you because its important. 

There are many other ways which we may discuss in later posts but keep in mind that you should get results from day 1 as in the case of gym exercises. Yes you are the one who can do that.


Thanks for reading.





