The world has seen enoughthroughout history, especially in the last two centuries. After world war I, people in most parts of the world had to change their lifestyles, even friends and enemies. We can say that a new world order came into existence.

Similar was the case after World War II. Humanity and even our biologically friendly species of the world had to suffer. New variations in humans and animals were found due to environmental issues. Those two atomic explosions were enough to make people think twice. Eventually, a new world order had to be made again to prevent the destruction of humanity and even the world itself. We can call the UN as new world order 2.0.

Now the situation is different. We may not be able to make New World Order 3.0 because of huge destructive weapons which can destroy the whole world even 100 times.

Let us pre-release this New World Order 3.0 before it's too late. In New World Order 3.0 prerelease we want to make sure that issues like land occupation and religious fights between countries and organizations should be stopped because these two factors are mainly seen in most cases of destruction.

Scientists have warned earlierthat world is going to face food crises. I ask all the countries what would the land do if people are dying with hunger. Wars have never been useful for humanity. They say one day of war makes humanity suffer for years. 

Now countrywide democracy is not enough. We need a world-wide democracy (W.W.D) to solve our problems. A new virtual government has to be made like UN but this time governed by algorithms and not the politicians. Every human has his/her rights to live and their opinion is also necessary and mandatory. Online survey is an option but more advanced forms of surveys are needed. Every single human being should be concerned before making decisions which influence earth’s environment.

New World Order 3.0 assumes that the whole world is one country and entire human race is part of it. It is responsible to use world resources to accommodate all its residents.


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